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Réf : V01917
Thème :
Satellites - Engins dans l'espace (248 images)
Titre : ADEOS
Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)
This artist's rendering shows Japan's Advanced Earth Observing Satellite in low-Earth orbit carrying the NASA Scatterometer. NSCAT is the stick-like instrument in the foreground on the front of the satellite. At any given time NSCAT's array of six dual beam antennas -- each measuring 3 meters by 20 centimeters by 20 centimeters (10 feet by 6 inches by 6 inches) -- will scan two bands of ocean on either side of the satellite's near-polar sun-synchronous orbit. Information from NSCAT will help scientists predict climate changes and improve weather forecasts and will also help them understand ocean circulation and the role of air- sea interactions. The Japanese satellite and science instruments are scheduled for launch on August 16, 1996. The NSCAT instrument was built and will be managed by NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory.