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Ref : S13123

Theme : Testings - Satellites - Probes - Rockets  (2314 images)

Title : An ORU Transfer Device (OTD) on top of the International Cargo Carrier (ICC) is

Caption :

(02/25/1999) --- An ORU Transfer Device (OTD) on top of the International Cargo Carrier (ICC) is checked by Manfred Nordhoff, with Daimler-Chrysler Aerospace (DASA); Ben Greene, with Lockheed Martin; Robert Wilkes (behind arm number two), with Lockheed Martin; Lora Laurence and Charles Franca, with Johnson Space Center. The OTD is a U.S.-built crane that will be stowed on the International Space Station's Unity module for use during future ISS assembly missions. The nonpressurized ICC fits inside the payload bay of the orbiter. The ICC will also carry the SPACEHAB Oceaneering Space System Box (SHOSS), a logistics items carrier. SHOSS can hold a maximum of 400 pounds of equipment and will carry items to be used during STS-96 and future ISS assembly flights. The ICC will fly on mission STS-96, targeted for launch on May 20