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Accueil »  Tirages Photos » Essais - Constructions - Satellites - Sondes - Fusées » S08578
Réf S08578 : Resting inside Atlantis’s payload bay are the Joint Airlock Module (bottom) and

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Thème : Essais - Constructions - Satellites - Sondes - Fusées

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

(06/30/2001) -- Resting inside Atlantis’s payload bay are the Joint Airlock Module (bottom) and pallet containing the high pressure gas assembly (above). Both are heading for the International Space Station on mission STS-104, scheduled to be launched July 12. The module, which comprises a crew lock and an equipment lock, will be connected to the starboard (right) side of Node 1 Unity. Once installed and activated, the Airlock becomes the primary path for Space Station spacewalk entry and departure for U.S. spacesuits, which are known as Extravehicular Mobility Units, or EMUs. In addition, the Joint Airlock is designed to support the Russian Orlan spacesuit for EVA activity. The high pressure gas assembly will support future spacewalk operations from the Space Station and augment the Service Module gas resupply system

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