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Accueil »  Tirages Photos » Plantes - Animaux dans l'espace » S09926
Réf S09926 : A large alligator attacks and eats a smaller one in a natural display of cannibalism.

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40 x 60 cm23.00 € 20.70 €
125.00 €
50 x 75 cm29.90 € 26.91 €
140.00 €
60 x 90 cm45.00 € 40.50 €
170.00 €
80 x 120 cm75.00 €
220.00 €
100 x 150 cm109.00 €
290.00 €

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Thème : Plantes - Animaux dans l'espace

Description : (La description de cette image n'existe qu'en anglais)

(06/22/1998) -- A large alligator attacks and eats a smaller one in a natural display of cannibalism. Although this event has been observed infrequently by Kennedy Space Center's staff photographers, it is common feeding behavior among the wild alligator population on the space center. Alligators are carnivorous and will eat any living thing that crosses their paths and is small enough for them to kill. For this reason, it is dangerous to feed wild alligators, and in Florida, it is also illegal. Kennedy Space Center is located on the Merritt Island National Wildlife Refuge which is operated by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

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